Suggestion & Complaints

If you did not find the information you were looking for on this website, you can contact us through the below contact form.

  • As we receive many queries daily, we thank you for your patience while we try our best to get back to you soon.
  • Please leave your phone number or e-mail so we can follow-up on your query. 
  • You also have the right to file a report or complaint in person, or on behalf of someone else.
  • You can also leave your complaint in one of the complaint/suggestion boxes in UNHCR or partner offices or inform a partner organization listed that you want to file a report. A staff member/partner staff will then contact you to follow up.

I have a sensitive issue to report. How do I know my information will be kept confidential?

We follow our Data Protection Framework to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, processing, loss, or damage. Only authorized and trained UNHCR or partner staff will handle your information. Your information will stay confidential and only be shared with those who need it to address your concern. We won’t share your data with anyone else without your consent.

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