In Myanmar, you can contact the UNHCR Helpline closest to you if you have questions about services, assistance, and other personal protection concerns. You can also use the Helpline to give us feedback or make a confidential complaint.
Our UNHCR Helplines work from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 17:00 (Myanmar time) in:
Yangon Office, UNHCR Myanmar:
- Phone: 09 450 065 964
- Email: [email protected]
- Find us on Facebook
Maungdaw Office, Rakhine State:
- Phone: 09 662 592 920
Sittwe Office, Rakhine State:
- Phone: 09 880 876 838
Hpa-an office, Mon, Kayin State and Tanintharyi Region:
- Phone: 09 456 972 196
Taunggyi Office, Southern Shan and Kayah State:
- Phone: 09 880 876 812
Mandalay Office, Chin, Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Region:
- Phone: 09 880 894 701
Myitkyina Office, Kachin State:
- Phone: 09 894 973 995
Bhamo Office, Kachin State:
- Phone: 09 880 876 827
Northern Shan State:
- Phone: 09 880 876 814
If you do not get through to the Helplines, please wait and call back, or leave a message.
We will review the message and contact you if we need further information.
Please note that, for some queries, we may advise you to approach an information point in person.