Reporting fraud and misconduct

Remember: All UNHCR services and activities are always free of charge.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable behaviours and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members. Your report will be treated with discretion and kept strictly confidential.

Sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable behaviours and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members. The UN has ZERO-TOLERANCE for sexual exploitation and abuse. Anyone with concerns or suspicions about possible misconduct by UNHCR or NGO partners staff, should report it immediately.

What is misconduct?

The United Nations defines misconduct as “any failure by a staff member to comply with his or her obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules or other administrative issuances, or to observe the standards of conduct expected of an international civil servant.”

Possible misconduct can include sexual exploitation and abuse of refugees or others, fraud (for example, falsifying a document to obtain a benefit), corruption (for example, taking money from refugees or others), fraud related to the registration and resettlement process, among others.

What is sexual exploitation?

Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust for sexual purposes.

What is sexual abuse?

Any actual or threatened sexual activity carried out by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. Sexual exploitation and abuse can happen to anyone—men, women, boys, and girls—at any age, and in any circumstance.

In line with United Nations standards of conduct, UNHCR staff members and NGO partners must not:

  • Have sexual activity with anyone in exchange for money, employment, preferential treatment, goods, or services.
  • Have sexual activity with any child under the age of 18 years old.
  • Engage in any other form of sexually humiliating, degrading, or exploitative behaviour.

What is fraud?

Fraud is any act with the objective of intentionally misleading another in order to obtain a benefit.

All UNHCR services are free of charge!

Do not trust anyone or any organization asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners. If money or any other form of favours, including of a sexual nature, is requested from you, you should report it to UNHCR and/or the nearest police station immediately.

Be aware that any UNHCR services offered to you in exchange for money are fraudulent. For genuine information about UNHCR’s work and services, please consult UNHCR’s Help websites.

How can you report fraud or misconduct?

If you are aware of, or have concerns or suspicions about, a possible case of sexual exploitation and abuse by a UNHCR, UN, or NGO staff member, you can contact UNHCR‘s Inspector General’s Office (IGO) based in UNHCR Headquarters:

See also: