Family Reunification

If you have received refugee status or subsidiary protection status in Luxembourg, and you were separated from your family before or during your flight from your home country, you can apply for family reunification so that your family can join you in Luxembourg under specific conditions.

When can I apply for family reunification?

Timeframe: If you want to apply for family reunification, you should do so as soon as possible and no later than 6 months after you were granted refugee or subsidiary protection status in Luxembourg.

If you do not apply for family reunification within 6 months after you were granted refugee status or subsidiary protection, you will need to fulfil additional conditions, such as proof of sufficient resources, suitable housing and proof of health insurance coverage in Luxembourg. If you fail to fulfil those criteria, family reunification may be denied.

Who is considered a family member eligible for family reunification in Luxembourg?

“Family members” for family reunification purposes are:

  • Your spouse or registered partner, aged 18 or over at the time of the application for family reunification (family reunification for a spouse is not allowed in the case of polygamous marriages, i.e. if you already have a spouse living in Luxembourg);
  • Your unmarried children under 18 and/or those of your spouse or partner for whom you have custody and where the children are dependent on you, or, in the case of shared custody, where the other party sharing custody has given their consent;
  • the first-degree direct ascendants (mother and father) of unaccompanied minors who have been granted asylum (international protection).

The Minister of Home Affairs may widen the possibilities for family reunification to the following persons provided the applicant has lawfully resided in Luxembourg for at least 12 months:

  • Your first-degree direct ascendants (mother and father) or your spouse or partner’s direct ascendants (mother and father), where they are dependent on you or your spouse or partner and lack the necessary family support in their country of origin;
  • Your (or your spouse/partner’s) unmarried children aged 18 or over, where they are objectively unable to provide for their own needs on account of their state of health;
  • If you are an unaccompanied minor who has been granted asylum (international protection) and who has no direct ascendants, your legal guardian or any other family member.

For more information on the family reunification procedure, please consult the dedicated webpage set up by the authorities.

Who can help me find a missing family member in another country?

If you live in Luxembourg and you do not know where your family is or you cannot get in touch with them, you can contact the Luxembourg Red Cross:

If you reside outside Luxembourg, we recommend that you consult the HELP site for the country in which you reside.

Please be informed that UNHCR does not provide family tracing services.

See also: