How to seek asylum (international protection) in Luxembourg?

Please note that asylum is a form of international protection, and both terms are used on this page.

If you fear returning to your country of origin (or country of previous residence in case you do not have any nationality) because you are in danger of suffering serious harm for reasons related to your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular social group or you flee war, torture, or inhumane and degrading treatment, you can apply for asylum (international protection) in Luxembourg.

In Luxembourg, the authorities are responsible for processing applications for asylum (international protection) and deciding whether somebody can be granted protection.

UNHCR in Luxembourg does not register refugees, does not examine asylum applications (international protection) and does not issue refugee documents.

Please note that:

  • You can only apply for asylum (international protection) in Luxembourg if you are in Luxembourg territory. You cannot apply for asylum (international protection) in Luxembourg from abroad.
  • If you are in a European Union country and have close family members in Luxembourg, you may be able to join them under the Dublin III Regulation if certain criteria are fulfilled.

What are your rights and responsibilities as refugees in Luxembourg?

Read more about social and economic rights granted to holders of refugee and subsidiary protection status in Luxembourg, such as the right to work, education, health care, and others, on the page set up by the Luxembourg authorities (if you are in Luxembourg, see here)

See also: