Headcount Exercise

For the attention of all undocumented Afghan National in Iran

Please note that all Undocumented Afghans in Iran are strongly recommended to participate in the “Headcount exercise”.

UNHCR Iran highly encourages those “Undocumented Afghan nationals” who are residing in Iran without any valid document/ residence permit and have not yet participated in the census, to approach the nearest Pishkhan centres/ Kefalat centres which are able to process smart national ID cards, before the deadline for the issuance of a residence slip as per Government policy.

The registration for the headcount is being carried out for three categories of eligible groups:

1.       Re-headcount: holders of the 2017 headcount slips

2.       Undocumented Afghan nationals who have already obtained their “Vaccination Introduction Letters” from Kefalat Centers and did not participate in the 2017 headcount

3.       Undocumented foreign nationals who did not participate in any of the headcount/vaccination schemes.

As per the notice published on BAFIA’s official website, The census scheme for undocumented Afghans will continue until 30 June 2022 and shall not be extended.

Based on recent announcement by BAFIA, the cost of registration and participation of “Undocumented Afghan nationals” in the census plan is 270,000 Rials per individual if the person approaches Pishkhan centres, and 310,000 Rials per individual if the person has a vaccination certificate and approaches Kefalat Centres. Extra fees by any centre are considered as violation.

To ensure better services during the enrolment process, BAFIA has also provided a WhatsApp number (09912707483) to receive complaints and suggestions from foreign nationals. It works every day except holidays.

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  • Please visit the Latest News page for the latest announcements.