
If you are fleeing from Ukraine as a result of the war, the content on this page does not apply to you. Please refer to the below pages for more information:
▸ Information for New Arrivals from Ukraine
▸ Temporary Protection

Naturalization means the process of applying for and requesting citizenship in the country of asylum, in Hungary in this case.

Acquiring citizenship for refugees and stateless persons in Hungary:

If you have a refugee or stateless status / or have been married to a Hungarian citizen for 3 years or more (or the marriage ceased because of the death of your spouse) / or have a minor child who is Hungarian citizen / or have been adopted by a Hungarian citizen and you are now adult, you can take advantage of the “favourable” or accelerated naturalization procedure, by applying after 3 years of continuous residence in Hungary with additional pre-conditions (these conditions have to be met all at once, without exception):

  • You have no criminal record and no ongoing criminal procedure in Hungary,
  • Your housing and livelihood are provided for,
  • Your naturalization is not a threat to national or public security (this is decided by a state body),
  • You successfully pass the exam on constitutional basics in Hungarian or have legally granted exemption from that (see details below).

Acquiring citizenship for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection:

If you have subsidiary protection status, you do not have access to the “favourable” or accelerated naturalization procedure, so you can first apply for citizenship after 8 years of residing in Hungary with fulfilling the same requirements as above:

  • You have no criminal record and no ongoing criminal procedure in Hungary,
  • Your housing and livelihood are provided for,
  • Your naturalization is not a threat to national or public security,
  • You successfully pass the exam on constitutional basics in Hungarian or have legally granted exemption from that (see below).

Acquiring citizenship for children:

If you are a child (a person below 18 years of age) different specific rules apply in your case.

For further information and assistance, please turn to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee site (information in English, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Urdu) or email at [email protected] or to the Menedék Association at their site in English.

Exemptions from certain requirements

You are exempted from the Hungarian language exam on constitutional basics, if any of the following conditions apply to you:

  • If you are a child, or whose legal capacity was limited by court in relation to citizenship or if you do not have legal capacity.
  • If you have a final degree in Hungarian language from an educational institution or from a higher education institution in Hungary.
  • If you are older than 60 years old when you submit your application for citizenship.
  • If you prove (with a medical certificate) that your health condition prevents you from successfully taking the exam.

Where and how to apply for citizenship?

You can submit your application for citizenship at either of the following places:

  • Local government offices (járási hivatal in Hungarian).
  • Integrated client service offices of the county or Metropolitan government offices (integrált ügyfélszolgálati iroda in Hungarian).
  • Hungarian consulate (if you are abroad).
  • The state body responsible for the procedure on Hungarian citizenship.

You need to attach the following documents to the application:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Certificates proving family status and relations (marriage certificate for example);
  • All official documents that prove the fulfilment of the above detailed requirements.

If you attach foreign documents, you must also attach their authenticated Hungarian translation and diplomatic verification. If you have a spouse or child(ren), you can submit joint applications with them.

If you seek free legal assistance and counselling regarding naturalization, please turn to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee at their site (information in English, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Urdu) or email at [email protected] or to the Menedék Association at their site in English.