You have the right to apply for Asylum in Belize.
Find Protection
Right to seek protection as a refugee in Belize.
Asylum Determination Procedure
The right to access an asylum determination procedure that ensures respect for their rights and guarantees.
Temporary documentation
When the asylum application has been accepted, the right to receive temporary documentation that must be renewed every three (3) months for the duration of the asylum procedure.
Enjoying the rights and freedoms of Belize
The right to enjoy all rights and freedom recognized in the National Legal System as well as in the International Human Rights Instruments ratified by Belize, in particular the rights recognized in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
No return to Country of Origin
The right not to be returned or expelled to their country of origin. Protection against refoulement includes the prohibition of rejection at the border and extradition.
Not be penalized for entering the country without authorization.
The right not to receive any sanction on account of their irregular entry or presence in the country of asylum.
Free Movement
The right to remain and move freely in the country while the asylum application is being processed.
Access to public health, education, and justice services
The right to access public health, education, and justice services. If they are recognized as refugees, they will also have access to the right to work legally in the country.
Protection against sexual and gender-based violence
The right to access available services and protection measures against sexual and gender-based violence.
Not to be discriminated against
Your rights as a person may not be unduly restricted, for example, because of your skin colour, whether you are a woman, a man or a child; nor because of their social situation, having low economic resources or having a certain religious belief or sexual orientation.
Family Reunification
The right to reunite with close family members once recognized as a refugee.
The competent authorities shall assist all refugees and asylum-seekers, in accordance with the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Regulations of this Law.
Receive legal documents
In case of being recognized as a refugee, you will receive a personal identification document and the rights equivalent to those of permanent residents in Belize.